When you’re sending an email to hundreds or thousands of people, it’s essential to ensure that email looks good for everybody. Understanding why clients render email differently and what you can do to make sure your emails look good across several clients is crucial for email marketing.
It’s important to focus on the most popular email service providers so that your emails look the same across different email clients. According to the numbers, Gmail and Outlook are some of the best email service providers to focus on.
Show that you're in business and look professional with custom email addresses at your company domain. Create personalised email addresses for your team, such as joe@yourcompany.
₹136.90 per user per month also includes 30GB of cloud storage, file sharing, video conferencing, 24/7 support and more. Easily upgrade to unlimited storage when you need it.
Google's ultra-reliable servers guarantee 99.9% uptime on your email. Industry-leading security, spam protection and automatic backups help protect your business data.
During sign-up, specify the domain that you want for your business email. If you don't yet own the domain, you can purchase it from Google for an additional fee.
During setup you will be prompted to verify your domain. Personalise your account by uploading your company logo, creating email aliases such as sales@yourcompany and setting up any additional users who need an email address.
Use Google Workspace free of charge for 14 days to send emails, hold HD video conference calls, create documents and share files in the cloud. You can set up billing at any time to continue using Google Workspace after the free trial ends.